PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is the most common female endocrine disorder in the reproductive age women around the world. Approximately, around 5% to 10% of women of reproductive age are affected by PCOS.

The diagnosis must be based on the presence of at least two of these symptoms-

1) Irregular menses (Infrequent or no ovulation).

2) Hyperandrogenism (Hogh levels of male hormones in the blood).

3) Polycystic ovaries in Ultrasound.


  • Irregular or no periods.
  • Excessive hair growth (hirsutism) around the face, chest, back and inner thighs.
  • Hair loss or thinning hair ( male patterened baldness).
  • Weight gain around the middle.
  • Oily skin and Acne on ( face, back and chest).
  • Darkening of the skin in armpits, along the neck creases, and underneath the breast.
  • Low sex drive.
  • Too many cravings.
  • Difficulty in becoming pregnant.
  • Too many miscarriages.


  • Insulin Resistance
  • Inflammation
  • Specific Hormonal Imbalance
  • Obesity
  • Environmental factors
  • Genetics


We aim to balance the causes associated with PCOS naturally. We balance insulin resistance and hormonal imbalance and reduce inflammation in the body.

Insulin is a  hormone produced by the pancreas. it is the key that opens the door for glucose to enter the cells from the blood. With insulin resistance, the body becomes less responsive to insulin, making it difficult for glucose to enter the cells from the blood.


There are foods that are good to incorporate daily in our diet and cetains foods are best avoided. 

The foods to be included in your diet are-

  • Fresh vegetables
  • Lentils and pulses 
  • Omega 3 rich foods
  • High quality fats 
  • Some good quality fruits

The foods to be avoided in your diet are-

  • Alcohol
  • Dairy 
  • Excessive caffine intake
  • Processed foods
  • Processed grains
  • Some vegetable oils

The foods that are to be removed or reduces does not mean that they are to be never allowed but can be incorporated back in your diet slowly. Making a plan with moderate intake of these foods help in reducing the signs and symptoms of PCOS.


Its very important to consider the lifestyle choices with PCOS.

Chronic stress, can not only eleviate the symptoms of PCOS by raising blood sugar, and increasing insulin resistence. Meditation and deep breathing helps in managing cronic stress.

There are certain exercises that helps in reducing insulin resistance and also decreasing sign and symptoms of PCOS. These exercises will be discussed in deatail during consultation.

Another factor to keep in mind when dealing with PCOS is the role of sleep and how to impove the quality and quantity of sleep.


Some test are helpful in understanding the underlying cause of PCOS like gut bacteria or nutritional deficiencies. We can ask you to do back to your GP for the test or can sugget some test that we feel could be beneficial in determining the underlying cause. We will also review the blood test you have already had at no extra cost and as part of our consultation programme.


If you live far off and don't want to travel, we also provide consultation on skype and Zoom.

Session 1: 1hr Initial Consultation
Session 2: 30min Face to Face or Telephone follow up/ check in session within 2 weeks
Session 3: 30 min Face to face or telephone follow up within 2 weeks
Session 4: 30 min Telephone follow up / check in within 3 weeks
Session 5: 30 min Face to face or telephone follow up within 3 weeks
Session 6: Review consultation 1hr within 2 weeks


A Client will be sent a questionaire and a food diary to fill after booking a programme, this needs to be filled and emailed back to us for analysis before the initial consultation. This will help us to identify possible lifestyle and dietary factors contributing to the condition. Any medications or supplements taking for the condition also has to be disclosed or can be bought with them for the initial consultation.

No medication should be stopped without doctors consent.


Initial consultation last for an hour. In this we will take your case history, famiy history and will also discuss current diet and lifestyle and your like and dislikes about foods. After discussing, together we will agree on your health goals, and work out a programme that you are happy to follow.

What to expect after Initial consultation -

  • Nutritional plan-  in-depth plan on what to include in your diet and what are the things you have to remove, that are aggravating your symptoms and the alternatives.
  • Supplements - Any vitamin and mineral deficiencies will be identified and recommendations will be made to expediate your recovery.
  • Lifestyle changes suggestions - A plan to include in your lifestyle - on meditation, exercise, aromatherapy, hobbies, relaxation, Bach flowers, Ayurveda.
  • Recipes - Delicious, approved recipes of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks tailored according to your symptoms for your 12-week programme.
  • Shopping guide - Each week you will be provided with a shopping guide to help you organise your meals and stay on track with the programme.
  • Access to our downloadable Resource Section such as:

•Shopping guide

•Meal Planner

•Food Journal

  • 10% Discount on Nutritional Supplements
  • Access to Functional laboratory testing (when required) will be discussed and recommended.

30 Minutes FOLLOW UP Consultations

Follow up consultations work with the same principle as the initial consultation except its only for 30 minutes. In this we will review the programme and see which of the suggestions worked well and which you are struggling with. 

What to expect after follow up consultation -

  • A full review of the programme.
  • Address any new symptoms or changes experienced after intial consultation
  • Making any changes in the programme in view of any difficulties encountered in following a plan.
  • Full review of any test results.
  • Adapting a plan according to your new timeline set.
  • An indebth nutritional plan that includes diet, lifestyle and supplements tailored for you.

 Why us?

We are both passionate about nutrition and health which took us to do our 4 years Naturopathic Nutrition Course from College of Naturopathic Nutrition. Having struggled with our own health isuues of weight, stress and hormonal imbalances like underactibe thyroid and PCOS but having deep conviction that their must be an natural alternate to be healthy than to take pharmaceutical drugs, we started our jouney of exploring and learning about nutrition and alternatives therapies.

Our journey paid off, when we both managed to keep our weight and hormonal imbalane at bay by making dietary , supplements and lifestyle changes and by our sheer preserverence and determinaton. With our new found knowledge of nutrition and alternative therapies and a passion to empower and help people in acheiving their health goals we decided to help as many women in their journey to deal with this condition.

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